Savannah Grant
Savannah Grant – Exclusively for Shady Grove Fertility Patients
In 2010, the Cade Foundation established the Savannah Grant, a family building grant which provides support specifically to Shady Grove Fertility (SGF) patients pursuing parenthood through the use of IVF. This grant is in honor of Savannah Caroline Pereira, a SGF baby who tragically died in March 2010. All Shady Grove Fertility applicants that require IVF treatments (including patients who plan to use egg donors or surrogates) are automatically entered into the pool for both general Cade Foundation Family Building Grants as well as this restricted Family Building Grant. The Savannah Grant will provide up to $10,000 for fertility treatment at Shady Grove Fertility.
To apply for these grants, please submit an application for the Cade Foundation Family Building Grant.. After submitting the Cade Foundation Family Building Grant Application, Shady Grove Fertility patients are automatically considered for a traditional Family Building Grant as well as for the Savannah Grant.
In total the Savannah Fund has raised more than $126,000 to celebrate Savannah’s memory and to support families struggling with infertility. To date the Savannah Grant has supported 8 families and there are now 9 Savannah Grant babies!
Savannah Grant Recipients:
2011- Pete and Jenny Genovese- Frederick, MD
2012- James and Kathleen Goffaux- Phoenix, MD
2013- Jonothan and Adele Paarlburg- Montgomery Village, MD
2014- Jacob and Brittany Hall- Hopewell, PA
2015- Cara and Adam Pugh- Sykesville, MD
2015- Nathan and Traci Reeves- Martinsville, VA
2016- Sonya and Mark Trice- Smithburg, MD
2017- Tiesha and Max Pinchinat - Laurel, MD
2019- Andrea and Irving Leon - Fredericksburg, MD
2022- Megan and Jacob Lambert - Yorktown, VA
2021 Fundraisers and Events-
Savannah's Playground (6/12/21)
Savannah's Memorial Fund was established through the Tinina Q Cade Foundation, a 501(c)3 tax exempt, non-profit organization that provides information and financial support to help families OVERCOME infertility!